It's 2014 and I still sometimes end up writing 2012 on my notes. I have to work more on my attention span and focus, so that events like forgetting to do chores wouldn't happen.
Like this one time, I was cleaning some junks from my room when I found my old Wii, forgotten inside a cupboard where I used to keep my snacks in and some DVDs. Of course, instead of cleaning, I completely forgot about the matter at hand and played with the Wii instead. That is one example of how fast my attention can divert.
Like this one time, I was cleaning some junks from my room when I found my old Wii, forgotten inside a cupboard where I used to keep my snacks in and some DVDs. Of course, instead of cleaning, I completely forgot about the matter at hand and played with the Wii instead. That is one example of how fast my attention can divert.
I used to be a whole different person from three years prior. I mean, I changed a freaking lot. Completely. A hundred and eighty degree. Especially when taking into account on how everybody else around me change, I think I'm by far the most who've altered so much.
Sometimes I miss the old everything, when nothing was anything and things didn't ever make sense and all I did then was talk shit or worry about acne.
Now I have to worry about trying to to fit myself in a world that's changing too fast in pace, and acne.
Such worldliness dilemma.
Anyway, I want to tell about a favourite Death Note fanfiction author of mine. She-- by the way I know that it's a she since she posted a voice meme not too long ago. But I don't know, she could be using Autotune for all I know. Wow that's such a redundant sentence.
So as I was saying, she's one of my favourite authors. She goes by the name dratsing on fanfiction, and man, I've never seen a DN fan that's as fluid in conjuring up interesting, unthinkable alternate universes as her. She gives a whole new depth to the characters, and her way of telling stories makes you feel like running while reading. What I like most about her is how comfortable she seems to be when talking about the DN casts, as if she were just recalling about an old friend of hers or something, like as if she knew them personally. She calls herself Al.
Al makes wonderful DN related videos on her Youtube account, and I must admit that I tend to spend a major part of my free time frequenting her channel. I stalk her tumblr as well since she posts lots of snippets about DN characters' dynamic stories, and "shitty AU ideas" as she calls it.

There's also one other author that I absolutely adore. Operating under the username slightowl and pseudonym Lita, the works of Lita's are absolutely magnificent. Lita can give depth through only four freaking whole sentences in the opening paragraph, and her English is exceptionally beautiful. The words chosen there are just... just. They give me the feel ok. I can't describe how the feel feels like (genius me, another redundant sentence here we come).
Ugh I just love them stories. Lita makes short one-shots in only around 400 count of words and can still nail it full on the depth. This person also makes stories outside the cannon, or in another word, AU. I think slightowl even rivals dratsing in making AUs, even though Lita is a precedence in the field compared to Al who's just recently started posting. Not saying that Lita is the one who invented DN AUs, just that slightowl was there first before dratsing. Al said that slightowl is her favourite author though, and I've seen them corresponding on Tumblr as well.
Here is one of the many videos made by Al:
Sometimes I miss the old everything, when nothing was anything and things didn't ever make sense and all I did then was talk shit or worry about acne.
Now I have to worry about trying to to fit myself in a world that's changing too fast in pace, and acne.
Such worldliness dilemma.
Anyway, I want to tell about a favourite Death Note fanfiction author of mine. She-- by the way I know that it's a she since she posted a voice meme not too long ago. But I don't know, she could be using Autotune for all I know. Wow that's such a redundant sentence.

Al makes wonderful DN related videos on her Youtube account, and I must admit that I tend to spend a major part of my free time frequenting her channel. I stalk her tumblr as well since she posts lots of snippets about DN characters' dynamic stories, and "shitty AU ideas" as she calls it.

Here is one of the many videos made by Al:
Artwork: nekonekoazaraku
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I don't know how to follow people on blogger. Obviously, I lied. Haha.